Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ah, Choices Pt. 1

Player choice, it is my favorite element in all of video gaming, and The Mouse gets a taste of it this holiday. This is the first in a series of posts focusing on the choices in Epic Mickey. They will go on before, during, and after the time I play the game. Now on to the choice. In an early part of the game, Mickey comes across a caged gremlin. You are probably thinking just free the little guy. But attached to the cage is a chest of E tickets, your in-game money. You get the tickets, the little guy can't be saved, but you save him the same thing happens to the chest. I will go for the chest, I mean, E tickets are classic Disney! Comment on what you would do! See Ya Real Soon!


Blessing Counter said...

E tickets, definitely!!

Claire from the Calico Corner said...

I would most definitely save the poor little grimlin! Mom - How could you abandon the helpless creature??? An animal-like monster is most definitely more valuable than money! I love the blog, Benjamin! Hop over to my Calico corner any time...I'd love to 'see' you! : )

Nosam 122 said...

Beany Benny, i would save the dude and do good things like that for the choices, but use thinner as much as possible!

stay random!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!