Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ah, Choices Pt. 1

Player choice, it is my favorite element in all of video gaming, and The Mouse gets a taste of it this holiday. This is the first in a series of posts focusing on the choices in Epic Mickey. They will go on before, during, and after the time I play the game. Now on to the choice. In an early part of the game, Mickey comes across a caged gremlin. You are probably thinking just free the little guy. But attached to the cage is a chest of E tickets, your in-game money. You get the tickets, the little guy can't be saved, but you save him the same thing happens to the chest. I will go for the chest, I mean, E tickets are classic Disney! Comment on what you would do! See Ya Real Soon!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Epic Mickey at PAX 2010

As if it did not make an epic enough splash at Gamescon, Comic-Con and E3 Epic Mickey is at the Penny Arcade Expo or PAX this year. Running now until Sept. 9th the nerdy expo's keynote speaker was Warren Spector. The head of Epic Mickey! He had a lot of neat things about how games should sit right next to books and movies. The name of the castle featured in concept art was also announced, Dark Beauty Castle will likely be the first part of the game. EPIC!!!!!! See Ya Real Soon!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Birth By Bret

I am proud to be able to say that Bret Iwan will be the next voice of Mickey, replacing the late Wayne Allwine, who died last year of diabetes at the age of 62 after voicing Mickey for 32 years. Bret started doing the voice last year doing small things like a toy and Disney on Ice. His first full performance as Mickey will be for the next installment in the Kingdom Hearts video game franchise, Birth By Sleep., out Tuesday See Ya Real Soon!